Flora & Fauna

We have a lot of wildlife at our property.  There are quail and their babies everywhere, coyotes, finches, snakes, you name it.

In order to build, we had to cut away tons (literally) of dirt in the process of excavating for the footprint of the house and driveway.  The result of it is a huge sandy bank that will eventually be tiered with landscaping and retaining walls.  In the meantime, a flock of bank swallows has decided to call our bank home.  There are probably 40 holes total in the hillside, with 15 or so fo them being actual nests.  They are quick little buggers, and they’re very hard to bet a picture of, but I managed to get a few.


The quail really are everywhere.  You can’t move around the property at all without seeing some.  I love it when they start running around with their babies in tow.


This is just one of the straw flowers that I planted near the little piece of grass.

In addition to the bank swallows, we also have barn swallows that nest in the old chicken house on the property next door.  Their colors are absolutely stunning.  They, however, are much harder to photograph than the bank swallows because their nests are not easily visible.  Finally, this one little one was willing to sit on our fence long enough for me to grab a couple pictures.  Isn’t he pretty?


Oh yeah, didn’t I say “snakes”?  Yep, I said snakes.  Aaron found this one and Papa rescued it and released it across the road on the neighbors’ property.

I love this new life and adventure we’ve heading on.


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