More Firsts & Lasts

More Firsts & Lasts

Four years ago, I wrote a post about Firsts & Lasts, and, at the time, I wasn’t thinking about how quickly these four years were going to go before it would be time to write a post about More Firsts & Lasts.  The funny thing is that not a whole lot has changed in four years.

This time, it’s just a tad different- I only have two girls in school this year instead of three.  Today was Harley and Reagan’s first day back to school after summer break.  I love the first day of school each year; it signifies the opportunities that await my daughters, and their processes of learning, growing, and maturing.  I love the excitement they have for seeing their friends again combined with the nervousness of the “new” that is involved, as well.  Most of all, I love watching my girls grow, develop, and mature into the precious young ladies they are.

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Wonderland – Repost


I didn’t realize I had posted this once before, but I have been feeling a bit nostalgic today remembering the amazing, unique childhood my sister, Erika, and I had.  We were truly two of the luckiest kids I know.


It has become summer time, and my family and I have been living at our mountain home for many weeks. Lily White is an old gold mining camp established in the early 1860’s, and it was named after the wife of the camp boss. At its peak, the population neared about 1000, including Chinese labor. According to legend, rather than pay their wages, the mine owners buried over 100 Chinamen in a mineshaft. Now the mine is nearly invisible and hard to find, buried under the ground and in the hills, hidden from eyes.  The camp has been replaced with several Forest Service cabins including three bunkhouses, a shower house, and the kitchen/dining hall.

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OMG, She’s SOOOO Old!


My sister.  I can’t remember my life without her (I was only 2 when she was born), and I can’t imagine not having her in my life.  We don’t get to spend nearly enough time together between our work schedules, kids’ schedules, and living two hours away from one another, but I know she’s there if I need her and vise versa. Continue reading

7 Simple Rules for Living in Our House (RePost)


7 Simple Rules for Living in Our House – What The Flicka?

Dear Kids,

Living in this house isn’t always easy. Just like being a teen isn’t easy. You see your friends who seemingly have no boundaries and all the baubles in the world and you wonder why. Why have you been placed in this house where there are horrid things like rules and limitations and boundaries? “What did I do in my former life to deserve this?” you cry to the sky. Well, I hate to break it to you, but you’ve got what you’ve got. Your dad and I believe that it is our job to raise three self-sufficient, independent young ladies and that’s what we’re going to do. There are too many of your friends that are going to flounder and fail when they’re finally unleashed (if that ever really happens in the heli-parent world) and I promise you that you will not be one of them.

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It has become summer time, and my family and I have been living at our mountain home for many weeks. Lily White is an old gold mining camp established in the early 1860’s, and it was named after the wife of the camp boss. At its peak, the population neared about 1000, including Chinese labor. According to legend, rather than pay their wages, the mine owners buried over 100 Chinamen in a mineshaft. Now the mine is nearly invisible and hard to find, buried under the ground and in the hills, hidden from eyes.  The camp has been replaced with several Forest Service cabins including three bunkhouses, a shower house, and the kitchen/dining hall. Continue reading