Gardening Girl

Reagan loves to garden!  At our new house, she has decided to take over the gardening responsibilities.  She is going to plant tomatoes and peppers in this raised bed, and she has plans for the other garden areas in the yard, as well.

Around the outside of this bed, though, she placed all these huge rocks and filled the gaps with potting soil.  Once she is done getting them prepped, she is going to plant a succulent garden in amongst the rocks.  I though it was a great idea!


Big Berries


I picked this berry out of our blackberry patch. All of the berries are H.U.G.E. like this one, and it doesn’t take very many to fill a bowl. They are so sweet and yummy, I probably eat as many as I pick!

My Garden is Blooming

Our Butterfly Bushes are HUGE – like over 8′ tall and wide huge!  I love the blooms.

Looking at them from a distance, you don’t realize all the different, varying colors in each of the little flowers.